Describing the dynamics of a veritable web of ritual abuse, plus a bad therapist or two, the Author gets some flak. Is she a fake or a flake, or plain delusional? If not much of those, what has Kelly gone through? How is it maintained?
It is worth mentioning these issues, even though people may call me a flake or I could be wrong on some of it. It makes a change from the 'fake' label that people in Kelly's life pinned on me no matter what. When people are in trouble and the chips are really down, they look for information or help. They need to work out what is good or expedient for them, and what is not.
I have no way of verifying much of what Kelly told me, but I heard enough to cause concern. It is easy for a folie-a-deux to form, however hard one tries to keep things straight. Kelly could just have been terribly confused, or perhaps that is how someone wanted things to be or to look. An alternative I seriously considered was that she was psychopathic, using every attention-seeking ploy in the book and plenty more. If I find out that I've been conned, you have my word that I will admit it.
If people do not realise there can be flakes and fakes out there, they come to trust and rely on those who are not up to the task, or who have a different agenda.
A Singular Mean-ing
'The Book' spread across these pages is a collage of bits and pieces that unfolded during Internet contact with Kelly, whom I met online for 7 years. I have no wish to keep on with the pithy words and phrases. I will see what else I can do, as she is continually told she cannot break with her therapy, which to my mind makes things worse, and the stricture is unethical. Deals were made with a previous therapist that Kelly would be left alone, both by her and by the local cult. Those did not work.
This is not a scenario where a suggestible woman goes for therapy and comes out believing she was ritually abused, when it may not be a 100 percent from reliable memory. Memories are unreliable in the best of circumstances. Attempts were made to make Kelly believe that a lot of cultic abuse had happened, then that nothing like it could have done, and now that nothing like it was happening to her still. I beg to differ. The explanations and denials whizzed round like a veritable whirligig, a device used as a military punishment. The offender was put in a cage which was spun rapidly, resulting in nausea and vomiting
Also see How Some of it is Achieved further down this page
Joining the Circus
Perhaps it was more like a Circus with vulnerable women made to perform to someone else's tune, though they got no money or benefits. Quite a tune was playing with a myriad hoops to jump, till one wonders that anyone could survive in body or spirit. So long as Kelly had links with other people, the perpetrators could not go ahead successfully with the elusive thing they desired and worked for. Some men in the area got what they desired and paid for. It seemed part and parcel of the same scenario or game-plan.
Hard to see it and explain it though. All I can add to the accounts and thoughts herein, is that it seemed to be an exercise in obliterating personality parts in a target population, and attempting to place others there instead. Sounds crazy or evil? I think the perpetrators are both, but what do you think?
We have collectively been led to believe that any idea of ritual abuse is hooey. Whilst some people go ahead with hooey activities nonetheless (not believing the official spiel - why would they?), people's souls are at risk, towns burn and people loot, prices rocket and banks occasionally crumble.
Apart from my concerns for Kelly and others like her, I have concerns that we have become too involved in thinking that pills or therapy or both, could or should be the answer to the human condition that has surely been around for as long as humans: How to get along with ourselves and each other, wondering if we really do have souls, and raising children.
I feel that this type of perpetrator believes that we do have souls. For some reason they want to prevent people connecting up with their own. An easy way to achieve this is to target children in their formative years. Kelly had a child with outstanding skills. Is that the real goal, with Kelly a means to an end in more ways than one? If they knew how her mind worked or what kept her from going under, could they bend her child to their ways faster and more effectively?
Is that what they hoped and worked for year-in and year-out? Otherwise it is hard to see why such effort was going into this one situation. Unless of course the perpetrators were being paid a lot, or threatened with a whirligig maybe. Who would believe it anyway?
Good plan. Just how Mean can you get?
Here's that Circus again folks, with its hoops and whips, its drama and tricks
To lure you in, get your children to believe in it, and run off to join the Circus
How Some of it is Achieved
There's a lot of talk about mind control and programming, gangstalking and gaslighting. For people whose lives are not affected, these are irrelevant or simply nasty ideas that can't be proven one way or another and they can try to avoid them. Often the issues get vehemently denied, as are the devastating experiences of those unfortunate enough to fall foul of them.
Let's not overload ourselves with words and concepts. Picture bad or unfortunate child-rearing where experiences are not ideal, parents have bad days or bad habits, or confusing or damaging messages they themselves received may get passed down. Picture B.F. Skinner who controlled the environment and behaviour of pigeons, and attempted to apply the principles to child-rearing and society in general. There are many ideas of Utopia, or achieving an ideal society, perhaps just ideal in the eyes of those who manage it. Picture George Orwell's Nineteen-Eighty-Four and Animal Farm.
You don't have to be a teacher or a psychologist to understand about encouraging children to do things, and soothing them when they are upset or hurt. You can teach children boundaries. You can show them how to fight, or to find other ways of handling things. Children are sometimes encouraged to play with sand or dolls or drawings, to express difficult experiences and emotions. Care needs to be taken not to infer too much, blaming the wrong people for things, or for something that may not even have happened.
Trixie the therapist played snatch games. A sequence of events leads a child or client to believe something is predictable or likely to follow, a switch gets pulled and the opposite happens. The toy or sweet that is promised time after time, now gets withheld or snatched away. At best you might call that unfortunate intermittent reinforcement. It is hard to straighten out, and is really is the sort of thing one expects a therapist to be straightening out.
Clients were led to believe they have no worth, no personal rights or expectations. A therapist, who is supposed to behave ethically and helpfully, undermines the very being of those most vulnerable and least able to resist. All of us have younger aspects or sides to ourselves, and things we recall that are upsetting. There are things that we wish could be better. We can pay too high a price in attempting to improve our lot, or the lives of our children.
I heard about the snatch games, and how no persona (whom Trixie did not want) could have a say. Having first claimed she did not know of or believe in dissociation, Trixie had said she would condition Daisy the 5-year old protective alter, out of existence. Now the only things happening were so-called play therapy with Daisy, a vast increase in hours and fees, more cult vulnerability and events, and trouble for Kelly if she did remember or resist. Trixie lined up stones, saying each one represented a bad part of Kelly's life. This caused Kelly to break out of the conditioning, saying 'How would you like it if those happened to you?' and becoming aware of a cult vehicle parked outside.
Trixie insisted that all of Kelly's problems arose through self-created anxiety. In an unprecedented move, Nolly the 'interpreter/protector' sent an email to Trixie after such a session, saying that Kelly had indeed had a lot of bad experiences, so how was the anxiety simply self-created. Kelly had also challenged Trixie over her comment that Kelly had returned to a 'bad habit' in wishing to understand a trigger.
I had been puzzled early on by Daisy and Kelly saying there were cult triggers in the therapy room. Trixie claimed they had to get used to them, as part of exposure therapy. Trixie's husband used to enter the therapy room with sweets for Daisy who was terrified, yelling that Trixie should not let him in or she would quit. The reply she received was 'It's my therapy room. I'll have in it who I want, any time I want.' (This is from the boundary-lady, remember?)
It seemed that Trixie would also say whatever she wanted.
Note: 'Quit' was a significant word that was sometimes used like a trigger
Kelly's previous therapist Marta used to phone her saying 'I quit', which was a cue for Kelly or Caitlin to race to her office in a blind panic of being abandoned
Sometimes it was more in the sense of 'You do this, or you're finished, dead'
Playground behaviour, though much much worse
Manipulation of attachment needs
Amping up the transference
Whatever they could use to abuse
Picture a therapist then, who raises hopes and expectations by promising a safe haven for children or adults to recuperate, learn and grow:
Instead of explaining and demonstrating appropriate boundaries and behaviour, she confuses them excessively
Instead of acting as a suitable mature role model, she dresses in provocative clothing, moving around to show her physical attributes, and continuing when asked to stop
And hypnotises them by flashing lots of sparkling jewellery, or with subtle words and phrases
Total overkill, sometimes exacerbated by tribal adornment
(look-alike pictures show no indication of Trixie being from the Reservations)
Did you ever hear anything like this?
Boundaries, what boundaries?
Safe Haven? You have to be kidding!
Who needs this stuff?
It is easy for people to con others in the therapy line, either directly or by convincing someone to pay for child therapy, or for Kelly's, whose childhood experiences were confusing in themselves. Kelly was told that all her problems could be 'cured' but would need longterm therapy with Trixie. No other avenue would do. In the past she had sought and benefited from other approaches.
And in recent discussions with Kelly she fully appreciated that, if you treat people decently they are a lot more likely to feel like people, and to behave like people. Kelly had lived in a deprived area, and she now wanted to write about the social dynamics of people in that situation, who were kept there by the system, advertently or inadvertently. Doesn't this sound like a grown woman, whose education and talents could be put to better use than a Stepford reality? Or being subjected to 3 hours of play therapy at quite so many dollars per hour?
Snippets from the early days indicated that Kelly or Caitlin the host-person, were involved in things with Marta and her cronies where they were regarded as more of an equal. When they refused to get involved in some of the group aims, troubles began as they became part of the under-class, that somehow kept others 'top of the heap'.
Kelly or Caitlin would never accuse anyone of things they could not prove, nor do things they did not believe were right. Perhaps herein lay a clue to what happened since, at such a price to all.
If you hear any of these words or phrases in a situation that you are uneasy about, they could be a natural occurrence, they could be meant kindly, they could be beneficial. Only you can decide whether they fall on the other side of the coin, for you.
Cult, Kin or Klan?
I collected snippets from Kelly, Daisy, and someone calling themselves Informant who gave useful insights. She said that Daisy played through the 3-hour therapy appointments while refusing to listen or to speak, calling Trixie dumb and only capable of psych 101. I was seeking an inroad into why 1+1/2 hours were paid for instead of the 3 designated hours. And Kelly was gone from home for far longer anyway. 'Do the math' I suggested to Informant, as I gingerly outlined other queries. For more on the development of Informant see the Addendum page.
Having gathered my thoughts, I gradually slipped questions into email exchanges with Kelly, but it was as though those sections were in invisible ink. However something was happening as we did our pre-therapy emails to try to normalise her, and she said she simply did not feel like going to the session.
Daisy emailed 3 hours later that Trixie had turned up at their house for a nice chat and she would help Daisy to write a book. Informant asked how Trixie could know Kelly and I were doing that, and I felt Daisy was questioned during sessions. It seemed people were now fighting through Daisy, a 5-year old alter who could sometimes be swayed, sometimes not, and was mostly a bit of both, basically wanting a momi.
Daisy and Informant had pressed me all day to guarantee never to go away, as Nolly had tried on me recently, but I dealt with other issues first. At the risk of alienating everyone, I now laid down some terms and said I would not budge, as they would get what they got. Informant insisted it was crucial for Daisy. I explained that cults use guarantees, as do bad therapists. And then they twist things.
Informant then asked if I thought there would be trouble over the weekend, and which night 'they' were likely to come. I asked about things she had told me, like there being no cult, no people knocking at the door leaving footprints, just the wind rattling round. I did not mention answers she had given to questions about the harassment, truck parked outside, things that made Kelly forget, which Informant only recently explained as Trixie wanting total control.
I asked Informant about a statement by Trixie that, if there was still cult involvement, Kelly should say she wanted it stopped (which I felt would come at a price, an agreement). Informant replied there was no cult, and it was all down to Marta and her friends playing games. She did not answer my questions on it. I decided to think of that arena as klan rather than the main cult. I knew things about both types of activity there, and it was difficult to distinguish. Cult appearing in 'the Book' could mean both types. Klan means Marta and friends, or male paying clients who never gave Kelly any consideration, monetary or otherwise. A game for them, money for Marta, no fun for Kelly.
Informant asked why I treated everyone as an enemy. Let me think about that one! A better name for Informant could be something like Misinformant or Disinfectant: Part of the clean-up crew. Divide and conquer, miscontrue and generally mess with.
So when people talk of 'satanic' or cultic ritual abuse we need to be wary (and I felt quite weary), that the terms can cover a multitude of sins and sinners. Trying to lump them all together will get none of us anywhere in understanding these cults and klans.
For the second time around now, I had answered for myself some of what was going on in the name of therapy for Kelly. It was only when Kelly saw it for herself that things could shift properly. If attendance at the reinforcing therapy for the cult or klan lessened, the situation could ease, though perhaps something surges up within as the calendar turns, tides rise, and the piper plays his tune. Evil, like the heat-seeking missile it is, would track them down, using any situation or vulnerability, fighting through a young alter, a desperate need, a past trauma, or a bit of confusion within. Which of us does not have any one of those?
Get Good Help or None At All!
Just be warned, and -
If in doubt, don't get involved
Mind what you say on the Web
Links on Gangstalking, Gaslighting, Harassment, Stalking
Check out the following written from a psychoanalytical approach:
'On the Need for New Criteria of Diagnosis of Psychosis in the Light of Mind Invasive Technology' by Carole Smith
'Hacking the Mind - Intrusive Brain Reading Surveillance Technology'
Kelly was also subjected to episodes of frequent phone hang-ups and silent calls, which generally predisposed her to feeling fearful, and were often a precursor to something else happening, a common factor in general harassment.
Web of Deception
‘Oh what a tangled web we weave, When first we practise to deceive'. We can weave a web of deceit around ourselves if we wish. But why do people weave it around others?
Principles which can be used to control others can also be used to undo control
We need to know more about abusive behaviours, and inequalities in areas that keep some people vulnerable. The most vulnerable tend to be further abused, put upon, ignored, or further confused. Kelly knew it was happening to others in her area, and some people who'd known her a long time were aware in some sense of her situation, and about some of the people involved. It was a strange co-existence - Could any of us get entangled?
Please do not assume that, because you do not do the things outlined here, or you have not come across them, absolutely no-one else does them.
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Imagery, Support
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Pictures appear throughout this site which will mean different things to different people. We hope you will find some of them uplifting in times of trouble. A picture can speak a thousand words, and do so much more. If you think an image should not appear on this site, let us know via the Form - Contact Form/Comments.
You can search on Google for images, and eBay is another good source. There are inexpensive agate or jasper crosses, Celtic or Christian crosses, guardian angels, Orthodox crosses, icons of many different figures. We have put together a few images and prayers to help in times of need at Measures and Countermeasures. You can also find images or articles that suit you and your situation best.
People who are puzzled or desperate often search the Internet, burning the midnight oil until they find something that makes sense. We don't claim 'the Book' is the answer to people's problems, but it may help you gain confidence while you search. Look on it as a friend-in-court for when life goes crazy around you.
Information or Help
People need to use their personal circumstances and discretion, their beliefs or disinclinations. Waters have become so muddied that opinion settles one way or another, for or against this approach or that, leaving people with no personal options. We have to find some!
If Only
Many thoughts come to mind. Should I probably have done
this, but definitely not that? Or do we judge ourselves by outcomes, as if the
end justifies the means and it all turns out for the best? Should we look back
with 'If only'?
Would I have got into this if I were not so curious, or if I
knew how unreasonable Kelly could be about my commitment? Probably not. What
kept me there was that Kelly and others like her had no chance of seeing or
freeing themselves. That was because other people performed antics to prevent
them doing so, worthy of the best or the worst circus. In this case it was 2
therapists. How could I not be involved? It was also because people who did
believe were not believed themselves, and that others did not believe with a
huge full-stop.
By a quirk of fate I was away a couple of days. Ironically
Kelly now put together that she was involved with a twisting therapist Trixie,
having already been through this with Marta, whom I'd crossed swords with in
weird emails. Now Kelly said 'Either Trixie is playing a game with me, or you
are. Like with Marta, it is her and not you. Marta is the main one, Trixie is
the side-digger. You made me see that with the picture.' (I'd sent Kelly a
picture of a group in another context, though could not see the connection.)
She now realised the cult were active in her life again, where she'd made
excuses for the bruises and pain, occasionally asking 'How long have I been
getting hurt again?' or being scared of people at the door.
I had wondered if Kelly was playing out games with me
through her past experiences, and her histrionic and dissociative make-up. But
I had been involved overall for 9 years. I knew Trixie worked with Marta before
where she had dealings with parts of Kelly's psyche, particularly Daisy the
5-year old protective alter (except when acting the opposite), and teenager
Casey who was crucial. She is not mentioned much in 'the Book' as it would be
too personal for parties involved.
Kelly was not the host-person, having come along when
Caitlin could not cope, and they managed things together since university.
Caitlin was gentle and sensitive and disappeared for long periods. Kelly used
to be forthright but was now cowed. Other alters helped with chores and
children. Seeing how I supported Kelly others wanted the same, which was too
time-consuming as each wanted to get to know me and bickered over detail. I
wondered whether some well-meaning supporters and therapists got tangled in an
area where one is 'the expert' on a DID system. I trained in behavioural and
psychodynamic work, and believe social conditions are often paramount in
people's problems. Certainly looking at them can be useful.
Later I trained in hypnotherapy and met some of the best in
the field, and others I would not wish on an enemy. Be careful who gets into
your psyche, because your needs can become a road to hell, paved by other
people's intentions. This applies to people you mix with in your personal or
work environment. Just know where you are with yourself.
Whenever I tried to set a boundary with Kelly hoping that
the one baseline could generalise, things went haywire. Boundaries are the
antithesis of what some bad partners, cults, conmen or conwomen require,
including bad therapists - in this case with cult allegiance. The sad thing was
that they could have helped Kelly. Instead she was undermined, and many things
she tried boomeranged back. The wonder was that Kelly had a flair for
intervening in neighbourhood disputes and children's spats, knowing how far
things should go and how to remedy them.
What clued me in with doubts about Trixie was her repeated
reference to boundaries. How did Kelly know about Trixie's personal life, hopes
and fears, yet any issues Kelly raised or wanted help with were out of bounds?
Trixie said she would not reply to emails as it was a boundary. She did though
when things got out of hand, which is natural. Her words were chosen to give
one meaning if it became public, while Kelly picked up another. There were
times when I said something in good faith, and Kelly reacted as if it were
I had to weigh up whether Kelly would want me to help others
in her predicament, against further punishments getting meted out to her. In
our early days of contact, it seemed life-and-death in her immediate future via
threats, and surely no-one could survive this for another week, month, or year?
The idea was to make it impossible for victims to be
separate from the cult. They were bonded as though some lien formed a one-way
track to the cult. If Kelly got away it could mean punishment. This was part of
the lien, the bondage, making it stick like glue. It could also be what kept
people like Kelly alive and struggling as if having super-human qualities.
Perhaps it was like everlasting life in a hell-on-earth. I believe it is
important for people to realise things for themselves, not have them implanted
via a different, even well-meaning agenda. It could be that the price was too
high for Kelly. Why should someone else set the price for her?
I went online before and after Kelly's appointments with
Trixie, realising that she went missing for a substantial period of time. The
idea was to minimise her vulnerability. Although Kelly was sure she had quit
therapy, she still attended appointments, being vague over going and most of
what occurred. I began to stress that she should be aware for some of the time,
or else it was inappropriate for Trixie to see her. Trixie was courting young
Daisy as the easiest inroad. I did not know if the sweets given were drugged.
Trixie called at the house after a missed appointment, and Daisy let her in.
Kelly had an agreement that Trixie should not even drive by the house, because
of how Marta had been.
When Kelly said Trixie phoned with another appointment, she
did not mention the late night visit. I thought she knew of it at some level,
and had left things to Daisy. I mentioned it to Kelly, provoking a reaction of
horror. She said we had to sort it out now before my days away, as she would
never go back there. I asked if she would want me to tell her of anything like
this again, and she said yes.
I emailed Kelly a broad outline of some of the points, being
careful over what I knew through our being online, or what I wondered or
believed. Kelly's usual way of dealing with threatening events was to think of
them as a dream, for a while anyway. How could she do that with my summary now
in front of her?
I was wondering if Kelly had been to see Trixie again and
was somehow complicit in something. She was reluctant to communicate and was
sending me personal questions. I went online after being away and emailed that
I was back, but there was nothing for a couple of hours. Thinking Kelly might
have missed my message, I repeated that I was back. 'I am here' she replied. 'Waiting
for you to answer my questions.' I did not know if she'd been there all that
while. We were both tired and fixed for the following day rather than get out
of kilter.
Boggle Up or Boggle Down
Boggle threshold: Term coined by parapsychologist Renée
Haynes to indicate the level at which the mind 'boggles' or is thwarted by the
degree of improbability of a phenomenon. It is similar to other measures of the
strangeness level of a phenomenon expressed by others.
Improbability is in the eye of the beholder. I had thought
around various issues, wondering where we might have gone wrong or could
perhaps view things differently. This was a time I nearly blew things and was
lucky not to get the chance. 'You're confusing me with all these questions'
Kelly complained. But we established that Kelly was not always clingy towards
me, and when she wanted assurances there could be other factors involved.
In the same breath as saying she would no longer see Trixie
as a therapist, Kelly mentioned getting hurt again by the cult. She was adamant
however that Trixie was nothing to do with the cult, even though equating her
with Marta, who was. This became a 'new reality' for the time being, and it
would not be good for me to press for things that I wondered or thought I knew
more about.
Later Kelly emailed that I had not understood something
correctly. Something had been simmering away unknown to me, and was crucial to
why she would not see Trixie. This too was her reality, adding to her previous
doubts over Trixie as a viable form of help for her. Kelly had been laying down
challenges to Trixie which would keep Kelly on track better than anything I
could say or do. I always thought she could do this but it was almost too late
in coming.
It is important for people to have a sounding board for
things that happen, or just their thoughts and fears. Although I did not know a
lot of what happened to Kelly, she knew I was there even when we did not always
agree. There were times when she appeared to have been drugged and had little
recollection. Hypnosis was used to keep her confused and to play on things in
her mind. During the case of a girl kept captive in someone's torture shed, she
was heavily drugged to forget. Later her memories began to surface, in an
environment where it was safe and conducive for her. She was able to work it
out for herself at her own time and pace. No-one told her what had happened.
No-one then knew, but things were subsequently confirmed.
We may wish we could speed up the process, or get it moving
how we think is best, but that is not the way.
Game Ludicrass
The cult needed cult fodder, they wanted women, and they
needed to have control over them. They could not allow anything to be realised,
or get put together and acted on. Hence the manipulation of alter personalities
and altered states of consciousness. They wanted people regarded as flaky or
mentally ill, so that no-one would believe them. If psych methods did not work
there was backup, like the memory-loss machine in the truck parked outside.
This is what I term clean-up crew rather than cult-night roundings by
Transport, though they could be the same. Laura, mentioned in Addendum told me
of a sound-and-light machine affecting her consciousness, as others too have
There are more physical methods still, appearing just
recently in CSI on mainstream television. Now we all know it's not just down to
conspiracy nuts or double-dealers in Spooksville. I still could not understand
why perpetrators used cumbersome psych methods like 3-hour therapy and fear
induction, when something else would do the job just like that, to quote Tommy
Cooper. Perhaps they had to pay for stuff, or they needed permission to use it,
or had to report back on the efficacy for some situational or longitudinal
I think Kelly's problems arose because she wanted permanent
guarantees and assurances. Marta and the cult offered those, while at other
times making Kelly's life sheer hell. Maybe that's where the concept of
'satanism' comes in, with its high devil drama and apparent demons. Trixie's
soft-soap approach to 'solving all problems' was what Kelly/Caitlin wanted to
hear. It is difficult sometimes to sort out who has rights or who made a
contract. Although I appreciated the role that Daisy and others played, I was
not going down the road of putting their needs first. Someone else was twisting
those. Getting bent out-of-shape is not descriptive enough. Maybe those 'with
rank' got their ideas of dissociation from La Femme Nikita, and fancied
factoring those 'without rank' into a tool incapable of knowing what they did
to order. No-one could be held to blame, which is how things can often seem
with DID.
I wondered if there was a kind of operational spreadsheet: This
is an A4 so proceed accordingly, or it's C2 or XYZ. Anyone who has uploaded
webpages to the wrong directory, or looked for something in the wrong file
knows that things don't show up there. Kelly's psyche was like an experience or
a mood being placed in one part or folder, unlikely to reach others unless
there was some link, or meltdown.
For the perpetrators it must be the high drama, the fun of
the game, thrill of the chase, the supremacy, or a need to keep experimenting
in societal control on someone else's whim or instruction. They want to
demonstrate something, while having us argue that things can't happen that way
so they haven't, or they haven't happened that way so they can't, or something.
Someone higher up the chain yanks their chains via threats and inducements,
sticks and carrots, divide and conquer, hearts and minds, body and soul. Isn't
that how it's done? We should all watch re-runs of The Professionals, then we'd
Fantasies and Fantasmagoria
Kelly and others like her can hardly be expected to see a
lot of what goes on around them. If they do realise, they are labelled crazy
and 'treated' accordingly, as in how they are regarded, or all sorts of
theories get bandied about over them. Ian Hacking has written about people
getting caught in a vector when expert views clash, which actually creates
stresses. Worth a look. After all, we are labelling people here, and what can
they do about it?
We have a tendency to alienate those who are weaker or different,
as if something about them is threatening. Other people's theories, dreams and
fantasmagoria get boring. I wanted to close on a positive note where Kelly made
realisations about her therapist Trixie, who at best was inadequate, and at
worst confusing to the point where it became evil, whether or not there was
direct cult involvement.
Trixie kept calling Kelly mentally sick. Kelly or host
Caitlin went to see her for help with a couple of fairly ordinary problems. Now
Kelly was trying to break free from the therapy that allowed young alter Daisy
to play for hours, while encouraging her desire for a momi. How sick can you be
to do that to anyone? I encouraged the coping parts of Kelly as she struggled
to come to terms with her life.
There did seem a convincing link between Trixie and the
cult, when Kelly skipped appointments and punishment followed with a vehicle
parked outside, people at the door, torn clothing, cuts and bruises, loud
noises and ensuing shock, with Kelly having little recollection. Nowhere was
this more evident than the night Kelly's emails jammed, possibly from just
outside her home, and I sent scathing comments to whoever might be
eavesdropping. Four hours later Kelly was at her computer shivering in just a
shirt that was not hers. It was like any other rape or cult night only worse. I
stayed online till 4am our time, and only managed to get her to grab a blanket.
Next day we met up as normal. 'It's good there are no emails
from Trixie' wrote Kelly. 'Now I can get on with my writing. How is your day?'
On she went about family things at the weekend, so on and so forth. A crazy way
to cope? You be the judge. I have a family member who smiles brightly while
coping with more things than most of us ever get to see, because she puts it away
somewhere in her mind. We all do things differently.
Much later I was working online when I checked emails from
Kelly. There was a mass of them from different alters with odd little rhymes
about witches, drugs, trucks, Trixie and Marta, and insults to me which were
now a feature. Fancy displays of alternating letters a and s formed pictures
like a downward chain of chalices. Someone wrote in large letters 'Just let me
go'. Meanwhile Kelly was saying she was fine but dizzy, and I should just go to
Young Daisy was crying so much that she said Trixie was
coming over to the house. I tried to warn Kelly but it was cloth-ears time. She
was pleased that she had quit the therapy for 3 appointments, and to her
knowledge there was no backlash. I had suggested earlier that she write a
formal letter about ending the therapy but she found it too threatening. She
was naturally feeling a loss at ending their arrangement.
Jingles and Jamborees
I was already aware of some of the other alters who were
writing, but the jingles were gearing the system towards jamboree time. If
Kelly could not stop someone opening the door to Trixie or Marta, and had only
just stopped attending the therapy she had quit, now with apparently connected
consequences, I did not see that we would be successful with this yet, unless
things in her life changed significantly.
If the cult or whoever could not engage others within the
DID system today, there was a big ol' system in place for playing catch-up
tomorrow. Ain't life wonderful when there are such guarantees? We used to call
it brute force and ignorance. Now we dress it up in psychodynamic or
sociological terms. Let's hope they lead to greater understanding then.
Factor This
The main players were Caitlin the host, Kelly who was similar
and virtually took over the reins, making some hard decisions.
There was Daisy the 5-year old who was around since Caitlin
was small, and Casey a teenager, basically a younger Caitlin.
Nolly was an interpreter/protector who was quaint and
formal, though now sometimes violently objecting to me.
A newer background info-person was Informant, who wanted to
get pally and talk about Kelly behind her back, as had others.
Recent emails coming in from 'bad side' of the system showed
things were not going smoothly there either.
There was an appointment with a psychiatrist who prescribed
standard medication. Kelly had a fear of her which I partly sympathised with. I
was away for another couple of days, but had not explained to Kelly as I would
try to keep up. It was not enough, nothing ever would be, and Kelly kept asking
if I was angry.
I received emails from both Nolly and Informant, and it was
hard to tell which. One of them explained a puzzling point. Although Kelly did
not wish to see Trixie, a message had gone to Trixie asking to speak to her. It
seemed Caitlin made a brief return and fixed another appointment, then
disappeared again. Trouble and beyond.
Informant seemed generally pleased at how things were going.
'Why can't she just pay you to do it, like you are already doing free?' someone
wrote. Could this be what Kelly wanted but I would not do? Nolly said Caitlin
would hopefully not get a chance to see Trixie. I asked if Nolly had changed
her mind over the suitability of Caitlin making a return. No reply. I was
getting curiouser though generally saying and asking less. Things went from
Nolly/Informant saying things were not too bad, to a sudden alert 'Kelly is now
going to the hospital'. I replied instantly 'Why, what happened?' No reply.
We now had several key factors: Kelly wanting more from me,
Kelly stopping therapy with Trixie, Caitlin returning briefly and contacting
Trixie, my asking Nolly about Caitlin returning, Informant asking why I could
not sort Kelly out, alters who loved cult nights, but Kelly and Daisy getting
severely abused at them.
Other factors generally were Kelly's natural vulnerability,
her swings between believing she was not mentally sick, to thinking she must be
so hospital was the fitting place. Marta had conditioned her that way, and
might have sent a triggering message. Add Trixie and the apparently connected
punishments for breaching therapy, and that made umpty more.
Plus Kelly had become aware of severe problems regarding
therapist Trixie whom I mistrusted. Kelly was experiencing increased cultic
abuse which she did not connect with Trixie. I did, though for the moment did
not press it, knowing that Kelly had already seen glimpses.
A few too many factors for sorting out just like that? I
should cocoa...
Tell Us Why!
So who is right? Me with a human rights approach that
something ought to be done to prevent this type of carry-on, or those people
who are human though not humane, with such control over others via nefarious
methods, and failing that plain vicious bullying and rape. We should be able to
do something about those, except that victims do not remember, or they are
threatened with the worst things imaginable.
There is something wrong in all of this. Anyone can take my
word for it or not. After all, it's a free country. . . This is my call to
people involved in these practices to tell us honestly what is done and why,
and what can be done about it. Many of us believe in some way that how we are in
ourselves, before death or at the point of death, does have significance for us
or those around us. And it is something that only we can sort out for
We ordinary folks can work some things out and pass
information around. It simply needs a framework not entrenched in lifestyle,
belief or religion, or any psychological model. I cannot yet make it impossible
for the Hicktown crew to continue. I could easily make them findable. The
principles are as easily spreadable as magic tricks. Cults are well known for
their lying and subterfuge, misdirection and even hi-tech illusions.
Val Valentino (born June 14, 1956) is an American
illusionist, and actor, who gained fame by starring in four magic specials
exposing magic secrets on the Fox network, using the stage name the Masked
Magician. For a span of two years (circa 1997-1998), Valentino performed,
unbilled and disguised, as the "Masked Magician" on Fox network
television specials called Breaking the Magician's Code: Magic's Biggest
Secrets Finally Revealed which exposed long-guarded trade secrets. The Masked
Magician was also shown in the UK
on the ITV network during the late 1990s and is still occasionally repeated on
ITV4. Valentino signed to do the program, promising that he would only reveal
the secrets behind old illusions.
However, when the programs aired, many newer illusions were
also revealed. This sparked controversy, as many magicians feared that their
illusions were now worthless. (Note:
You can see some of these tricks on YouTube)
Send for Bodie and Doyle
What is the best way to pre-empt these pre-empters? It is
time to get real, get our heads out from the sand, and stop alienating people
with different experiences or the people who support them, whether they get all
of it right, or they just got awful misled. 'They' think that we won't agree
enough even to listen or to look, and in that way they hope to pre-empt our
realisation of the reality.
Rather like what was done with Kelly and others, who could
not be expected to see, although deep down they knew. Some who caught a glimmer
found it all too hard, adding to the high suicide statistics of young women in
crazy Hicktown. If these things were happening to someone you know, what would
your reaction be? Would you be in with a chance of stepping in, so that they
can step out? Just like that, Tommy Cooper-style.
Principles which can be used to control others can also be
used to undo control
Could any of us get entangled?
The reader must choose where to draw the boundary on
It is about choice and boundaries: Don't let other people
erode them -
Or Con you into thinking they are different from what you
feel is right
Thank you for reading
'All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good
men to do nothing'
Edmund Burke
Measures and Countermeasures
Follow this link for Measures & Countermeasures page
You can search on Google for images, and eBay is another
good source. There are inexpensive agate or jasper crosses, Celtic or Christian
crosses, guardian angels, Orthodox crosses, icons of many different figures. We
have put together a few images and prayers to help in times of need at Measures
and Countermeasures. You can also find images or articles that suit you and
your situation best.
Useful Links - Use Your Judgement
A book may include only a couple of paragraphs of relevance
to you, but can be well worth it. A little moral support from one other person
goes a long way to change the dynamics of an individual's life. Groups are
strange creatures, and can be turned around for better rather than for worse.
Perhaps it needs just one person to give moral support, for someone else to
feel able to speak out or to stand for or against something.
If you know someone who is dissociative, or you think they
could be a survivor of cult ritual abuse, follow your instincts and offer
support where you can. Things are not always what they seem but they could be.
You don't need to be an expert to make a difference, but you don't have to try.
Don't put yourself at risk from over-involvement.
If you are not sure, or are concerned about your own
situation, whether you are a survivor of abuse, of cult ritual abuse, or think
you may be involved in what other people call a cult in a broad sense, give
yourself time to work out what is important. Find out what you can. Get support
if you can. One organisation or person may be able to help over one small
aspect that makes a big difference, even if it is just by being there.
A search on Amazon
or Google will help you to find what you are looking for. Also see Lucela's List for background reading, and the Links section.
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